Book chapters

Rensimer, L. and Brooks, R. (2024) The European Universities Initiative: championing excellence and inclusivity? In: Wang, L., Altbach, P. and de Wit, H. (eds) International Dimensions and Trends in Troubled Times Brill. pp. 312-315.

Brooks, R. and Waters, J. (2023) International student mobilities: themes and issues, in: Pinson, H., Bunar, N. and Devine, D. (eds) Research Handbook on Migration and Education, Edward Elgar.

Brooks, R. and Waters, J. (2023) Student Mobilities: An Introduction, in: Wyn, J., Cahill, H. and Cuervo, H. (eds) Handbook of Children and Youth Studies Singapore, Springer.

Waters, J. and Brooks, R. (2022) Geographies of education at macro-, meso- and micro-scales: young people and international student mobility, in Hammond, L. et al. (eds) Children, Education and Geography: Rethinking Intersections London, Routledge.

Hook, G., Moreau, M.P. and Brooks, R. (2022) Introduction, in: Hook, G., Moreau, M.P. and Brooks, R. (eds) Student Carers in Higher Education London, Routledge.

Hook, G., Moreau, M.P. and Brooks, R. (2022) Conclusion, in: Hook G., Moreau, M.P. and Brooks, R. (eds) Student Carers in Higher Education London, Routledge.

Lainio, A. and Brooks, R. (2021) Constructing students as family members: contestations in media and policy representations across Europe, in: Brooks, R. and O’Shea, S. (eds) Reimagining the Higher Education Student London, Routledge.

Brooks, R. and O’Shea, S. (2021) Reimagining the higher education student: an introduction, in: Brooks, R. and O’Shea, S. (eds) Reimagining the Higher Education Student London, Routledge.

O’Shea, S. and Brooks, R. (2021) Conclusion, in: Brooks, R. and O’Shea, S. (eds) Reimagining the Higher Education Student London, Routledge.

Brooks, R., Abrahams, J., Lazetic, P., Gupta, A. and Jayadeva, S. (2020) Access to and Experiences of Higher Education across Europe: the Impact of Social Characteristics, in: Curaj, A., Deca, L. and Pricopie, R. (eds) The European Higher Education Area: Challenges for a New Decade Springer.

Brooks, R. and Waters, J. (2020) Spatio-temporal contexts of decision-making in education abroad, in: Ogden, A., Streitwieser, B. and Van Mol, C. (eds) Education Abroad: Bridging Scholarship and Practice London, Routledge.

Waters, J. and Brooks, R. (2019) Geographies of connection? The Chicken Project and other international acts by state secondary schools in England, in: Engel, L., Maxwell, C. and Yemini, M. (eds) The Machinery of School Internationalisation in Action. Beyond the Established Boundaries London, Routledge.

Brooks, R. (2019) Representations of East Asian students in the UK media, in: Watkins, M., Ho, C. and Butler, R. (eds) Asian Migration and Education Cultures in the Anglosphere London, Routledge.

Brooks, R. and Abrahams, J. (2018) Higher education students as consumers? Evidence from England, in: Tarabini, A. and Ingram, N. (eds) Educational Choices, Aspirations and Transitions in Europe London, Routledge.

Brooks, R. (2016) Cultural capital, social class and higher education, in: Shin, J. C. and Teixeira, P. N. (eds) Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions Springer.

Brooks, R. and Waters, J. (2016) The mobility imperative: English students and ‘fair’ access to international higher education, in: Harrison, N. and Mountford-Zimdars, A. (eds) Access to Higher Education: Theoretical Perspectives and Contemporary Challenges London, Routledge.

Brooks, R. (2016) Young people and higher education, in: Furlong, A. (ed) Routledge Handbook of Youth and Young Adulthood London, Routledge.

Brooks, R. (2016) Student Politics and Protest: an introduction, in: Brooks, R. (ed) Student Politics and Protest: International Perspectives London, Routledge/SRHE.

Brooks, R. (2016) Conclusion, in: Brooks, R. (ed) Student Politics and Protest: International Perspectives London, Routledge/SRHE.

Brooks, R. and Waters, J. (2015) The boundaries of privilege: elite English schools’ geographies and depictions of a local community, in: van Zanten, A., Ball, S., Darchy-Koechlin, B. (eds.) Elites, Privilege and Excellence: the national and global redefinition of educational advantage New York, Routledge.

Brooks, R. (2014) Transition from school to work, in: Ballantine, J. and Spade, J. (eds) Schools and Society: a sociological approach to education (fifth edition) London, Sage.

Brooks, R., McCormack, M. and Bhopal, K. (2013) Introduction, in: Brooks, R., McCormack, M. and Bhopal, K. (eds) Contemporary Debates in the Sociology of Education Basingstoke, Palgrave.

Brooks R, Waters J. (2013) ”Global graduates’, student mobility and the funding of higher education’. in Heller D, Callender C (eds.) Student Financing of Higher Education: a comparative perspective New York, Routledge.

Waters, J. and Brooks, R. (2013) ‘Accidental achievers? International higher education, class reproduction and privilege in the experiences of UK students overseas’. in David M, Naidoo R (eds.) The Sociology of Higher Education: Reproduction, Transformation and Change in a Global Era London, Routledge.

Brooks R. (2012) ‘Ethical challenges of youth research: themes and issues’. in Te Riele, K. and Brooks R (eds.) Negotiating Ethical Challenges in Youth Research Routledge .

Brooks, R., Waters, J. and Fuller, A. (2012) Changing Spaces of Education: an introduction, in: Brooks, R., Fuller, A. and Waters, J. (eds) Changing Spaces of Education: New Perspectives on the Nature of Learning London, Routledge.

Waters, J. and Brooks, R. (2012) Transnational spaces, international students: emergent perspectives on educational mobilities, in: Brooks, R., Fuller, A. and Waters, J. (eds) Changing Spaces of Education: New Perspectives on the Nature of Learning London, Routledge.

Brooks, R. (2011) Young People’s Learning, in: Jarvis, P. (ed) International Handbook of Learning London, Routledge.

Brooks, R. (2011) Young People’s Extra-Curricular Activities: Critical social engagement or something for the CV?, in: Coffey, A. and Hall, T. (eds) Researching Young People London, Sage.

Brooks, R. (2010) Young Graduates and Understandings of Adulthood, in: Burnett, J. (ed) The Problems of Contemporary Adulthood: Calendars, Cartographies and Constructions Basingstoke, Palgrave.

Brooks, R. and Waters, J. (2010) Young Europeans and Educational Mobility, in: Leaman, J. and Worsching, M. (eds) Youth in Contemporary Europe London, Routledge.

Brooks, R. (2009) Transitions from Education to Work, in: Brooks, R. (ed) Transitions from Education to Work: New Perspectives from Europe and Beyond Basingstoke, Palgrave.

Brooks, R. (2009) Conclusion, in: Brooks, R. (ed) Transitions from Education to Work: New Perspectives from Europe and Beyond Basingstoke, Palgrave.

Brooks, R. (2008) Youth and Lifelong Learning, in: Jarvis, P. (ed) International Handbook of Lifelong Learning London, Routledge.

Brooks, R. (2007) Government rhetoric and student understandings: discursive framings of higher education ‘choice’, in: Epstein, D., Boden, R., Deem, R., Rizvi, F. and Wright, S. (eds) Geographies of Knowledge, Geometries of Power: Higher Education in the 21st Century. (World Year Book of Education 2008) New York, Routledge.

Brooks, R. (2002) The individual and the institutional: balancing professional development needs within further education, in: Cullingford, C. and Trorey, G. (eds) Continuing Professional Development and Institutional Needs Aldershot, Ashgate.