Journal articles

Brooks, R. (forthcoming) Advancing sociology of education: a personal perspective on the contribution of Sociological Research Online, Sociological Research Online (anniversary issue).

Brooks, R. (forthcoming) Foreword to special issue on ‘Students on Screen’, Open Screens.

Brooks, R. and Waters, J. (2025) Global Britain and cosmopolitan nationalism, Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 46, 1, 8-24.

Brooks, R., Cook, J. and Woodman, D. (2025) Paradoxical parenting practices and Australian higher education, Sociology. (Online advance access)

Brooks, R. and Rensimer, L. (2025) Higher education actors’ responses to the Ukraine-Russia conflict: an analysis of geopolitical spatial imaginaries, Journal of Education Policy, 40, 1, 111-129.

Brooks, R., Fu, J. and Marie, Q. (2024) Life satisfaction and work-life balance: the complexities of gender patterning, Sociological Research Online. (Online advance access)

Brooks, R. and Timms, J. (2024) Institutional constraints to higher education datafication: an English case study, Higher Education. (Online advance access)

Brooks, R. and Waters, J. (2024) An analysis of the UK’s Turing Scheme as a response to socio-economic and geo-political challenges, Higher Education, 88, 5,1809-1827.

Brooks, R., Courtois, A., Faas, D., Jayadeva, S. and Beech, S. (2024) International student mobility within Europe: responding to contemporary challenges, Higher Education, 88, 5, 1663-1672.

Waters, J. and Brooks, R. (2024) The art of internationalisation: ‘unstrategic’ dialogical cosmopolitanism within secondary schools in England, Social and Cultural Geography, 25, 2, 316-337.

Rensimer, L. and Brooks, R. (2024) The European Universities Initiative: further stratification in the pursuit of European cooperation?, Compare (online advance access).

Lee, J., Brooks, R. and Abrahams, J. (2024) Students, community and belonging: an investigation of student experience across six European countries, Higher Education Research and Development, 43, 4, 906-921.

Brooks, R. and Timms, J. (2024) Widening participation to sandwich courses: temporal challenges, Studies in Higher Education, 49, 11, 2222-2234.

Gupta, A., Brooks, R. and Abrahams, J. (2023) Higher education students as consumers: a cross-country comparative analysis of students’ views, Compare (online advance access).

Brooks, R. and Rensimer, L. (2023) The European Universities Initiative and European spatial imaginaries, Globalisation, Societies and Education (online advance access).

Rensimer, L. and Brooks, R. (2023) The European Universities Initiative: Championing Excellence and Inclusion? International Higher Education , 113 , Article 14.

Brooks, R. (2023) Higher education studies today and for the future: a UK perspective, British Journal of Educational Studies, 71, 5, 517-535.

Sahin, B. and Brooks, R. (2023) Nation-bounded internationalization of higher education: A comparative analysis of two periphery countries, Higher Education Research and Development, 42, 5, 1071-1085.

Brooks, R., Gupta, A. and Jayadeva, S. (2023) Higher education students’ aspirations for their post-university lives: evidence from six European nations, Children’s Geographies, 21, 2, 177-190.

Brooks, R., Gupta, A., Jayadeva, S. and Lainio, A. (2023) Constructing ‘ideal’ students within contemporary higher education (editorial introduction), International Studies in the Sociology of Education, 32, 1, 1-10.

Hodkinson, P. and Brooks, R. (2023) Caregiving Fathers and the Negotiation of Crossroads: Journeys of Continuity and Change, British Journal of Sociology, 74, 1, 35-49.

Brooks, R. and Hodkinson, P. (2022) The distribution of ‘educational labour’ in families with equal or primary carer fathers, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 43, 7, 995-1011.

Brooks, R. and Waters, J. (2022) Partial, hierarchical and stratified space? Understanding ‘the international’ in studies of international student mobility, Oxford Review of Education, 48, 4, 518-535.

Jayadeva, S., Brooks, R. and Abrahams, J. (2022) The (stereo)typical student: how European higher education students feel they are viewed by relevant others, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 43, 1, 1-21.

Brooks, R. (2022) Students as consumers? The perspectives of students’ union leaders across Europe, Higher Education Quarterly, 76, 3, 626-637.

Jayadeva, S., Brooks, R. and Lazetic, P. (2022) Paradise lost or created? How higher-education staff perceive the impact of policy on students, Journal of Education Policy, 37, 5, 819-837.

Brooks, R. and Waters, J. (2021) International students and alternative visions of diaspora, British Journal of Educational Studies, 69, 5, 557-577.

Brooks, R., Abrahams, J., Gupta, A., Jayadeva, S. and Lazetic, P. (2021) Higher education timescapes: temporal understandings of students and learning, Sociology, 55, 5, 995-1014.

Brooks, R., Gupta, A., Jayadeva, S. and Lainio, A. (2021) Students in marketised higher education landscapes: an introduction, Sociological Research Online, 26, 1, 125-129. (Special section: Students in marketised higher education landscapes)

Brooks, R., Gupta, A., Jayadeva, S. and Abrahams, J. (2021) Students’ views about the purpose of higher education: a comparative analysis of six European countriesHigher Education Research and Development, 40, 7, 1375-1388.

Jayadeva, S., Brooks, R., Gupta, A., Abrahams, J., Lazetic, P. and Lainio, A. (2021) Are Spanish students customers? Paradoxical perceptions of the impact of marketisation on higher education in Spain, Sociological Research Online, 26, 1, 185-204.

Brooks, R. (2021) The construction of higher education students within national policy: a cross-European comparisonCompare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 51, 2, 161-180. (Open access version available here.)

Brooks, R. (2021) Europe as spatial imaginary? Narratives from higher education ‘policy influencers’ across the continent, Journal of Education Policy, 36, 2, 159-178. (Open access version available here.)

Brooks, R. and Abrahams, J. (2021) European higher education students: contested constructions, Sociological Research Online, 26, 4, 810-832.

Brooks, R., Gupta, A., Jayadeva, S., Abrahams, J. and Lazetic, P. (2020) Students as political actors? Similarities and differences across six European countries, British Educational Research Journal, 46, 6, 1193-1209.

Brooks, R. (2020) Diversity and the European higher education student: policy influencers’ narratives of difference, Studies in Higher Education, 45, 7, 1507-1518. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. (2020) Asserting the nation: the dominance of national narratives in policymakers’ constructions of higher education students, Sociological Research Online, 25, 2, 273-288. (Open access version available here.)

Waters, J. and Brooks, R. (2020) Mobilities and materialities in education: geographical perspectives, Population, Space and Place, 26, 3, 1-3.

Brooks, R., Lainio, A. and Lazetic, P. (2020) Using creative methods to research across difference. An introduction to the special issue, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 23, 1, 1-6. (Open access version available here.)

Brooks, R. and Hodkinson, P. (2020) Out-of-place: the lack of engagement with parent networks of caregiving fathers of young children, Families, Relationships and Societies, 9, 2, 201-216. (Open access version available here.)

Hodkinson, P. and Brooks, R. (2020) Interchangeable parents? The roles and identities of primary and equal caregiver fathers of young children, Current Sociology, 68, 6, 780-797. (Open access version is available here.)

Abrahams, J. and Brooks, R. (2019) Higher education students as political actors: evidence from England and Ireland, Journal of Youth Studies, 22, 1, 108-123.

Brooks, R. and Waters, J. (2018) Signalling the ‘multi-local’ university? The place of the city in the growth of London-based satellite campuses, and the implications for social stratification, Social Sciences (Special issue: Social Stratification and Inequality in Access to Higher Education), 7, 10, 195.

Brooks, R. (2018) Higher education mobilities: a cross-national European comparison, Geoforum, 93, 87-96.

Brooks, R. (2018) Understanding the higher education student in Europe: a comparative analysis, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 48, 4, 500-517. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. (2018) The construction of higher education students in English policy documents, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 39, 6, 745-761.

Brooks, R. (2017) Representations of East Asian students in the UK media, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (Special issue: Asian migration and educational cultures in the Anglo-sphere), 43, 14, 2363-2377. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. (2017) Education in Nordic countries, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 38, 5, 753-760. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R., Byford, K. and Sela, K (2016) The spaces of UK students’ unions: extending the critical geographies of the university campus, Social and Cultural Geography, 17, 4, 471-490. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R., Byford, K. and Sela, K. (2016) Students’ unions, consumerism and the neo-liberal university, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 37, 8, 1211-1228. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R., Byford, K. and Sela, K. (2015) Inequalities in students’ union leadership: the role of social networks, Journal of Youth Studies, 18, 9, 1204-1218. (Open access version is available here.)

Waters, J. and Brooks, R. (2015) ‘The magical operations of separation’: English elite schools’ on-line geographies and functional isolation, Geoforum 58, 86-94. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R., Byford, K. and Sela, K. (2015) The changing role of students’ unions within contemporary higher education, Journal of Education Policy 30, 2, 165-181. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. and Waters, J. (2015) The hidden internationalism of elite English schools, Sociology 49, 2, 212-228. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. (2015) International students with dependent children: the reproduction of gender norms, British Journal of Sociology of Education 36, 2, 195-214. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. (2015) Social and spatial disparities in emotional responses to education: feelings of ‘guilt’ among student-parents, British Educational Research Journal, 41, 3, 505-519. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. and te Riele, K. (2013) Exploring Ethical Issues in Youth Research: an Introduction, Young (Special issue: Exploring Ethical Issues in Youth Research), 21, 3, 211-216. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. (2013) The social construction of young people within education policy: evidence from the UK’s Coalition government, Journal of Youth Studies, 16, 3, 318-333. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. (2013) Negotiating time and place for study: student-parents and familial relationships, Sociology 47, 3, 443-459. (Open access version is available here.)

Te Riele, K. and  Brooks R. (2012) Making ethical deliberations public: Some provisional resources for youth research ethics, Youth Studies Australia, 31, 3, 11-16. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks R. (2012) Young People, Education and Inequalities: An Introduction,  Sociological Research Online (Special section on Young People, Education and Inequalities), 17, 3. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. (2012) Student-parents and higher education: a cross-national comparison, Journal of Education Policy 27, 3, 423-437. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R., Waters, J. and Pimlott-Wilson, H. (2012) International education and the employability of UK students, British Educational Research Journal, 38, 2, 281-298. (Open access version is available here.)

Waters, J., Brooks, R. and Pimlott-Wilson, H. (2011) Youthful escapes? British students, overseas education and the pursuit of happiness, Social and Cultural Geography, 12, 5, 455-469. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. and Waters, J. (2011) Fees, Funding and Overseas Study: Mobile UK Students and Educational Inequalities, Sociological Research Online 16, 2. (Open access version is available here.)

Waters, J. and Brooks, R. (2011) International/Transnational Spaces of Education, Globalisation, Societies and Education, 9, 2, 155-160. (Open access version is available here.)

Waters, J. and Brooks, R. (2011) ‘Vive la différence’? The ‘international’ experiences of UK students overseas, Population, Space and Place, 17, 5, 567-578.  (Open access version is available here.)

Waters, J. and Brooks, R. (2010) Accidental Achievers: international higher education, class reproduction and privilege in the experiences of UK students overseas, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 31, 2, 217-228. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. and Waters, J. (2010) Social Networks and Educational Mobility: the experiences of UK students, Globalisation, Societies and Education, 8, 1, 143-157. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. and Waters, J. (2009) A Second Chance at ‘Success’: UK students and global circuits of higher education, Sociology, 43, 6, 1085-1102. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. and Waters, J. (2009) International Higher Education and the Mobility of UK Students, Journal of Research in International Education, 8, 2, 191-209. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. (2009) Young People and UK Citizenship Education: a gender analysis, Young, 17, 3, 307-326. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. and Holford, J. (2009) Citizenship, Learning, Education: themes and issues, Citizenship Studies, 13, 2, 85-103. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. and Everett, G. (2009) Post-graduation reflections on the value of a degree, British Educational Research Journal, 35, 3, 333-349. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. (2009) Young People and Political Participation: an analysis of European Union policies, Sociological Research Online, 14, 1, (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. and Hodkinson, P. (2008) Introduction, Journal of Youth Studies (Special issue: Young People, New Technologies and Political Engagement) 11, 5, 473-479. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. (2008) The impact of social and cultural capital on higher education choice, Sociology Compass, 2, 4, 1355-1371.

Brooks, R. and Everett, G. (2008) New European learners? An analysis of the ‘trendsetter’ thesis, Journal of Youth Studies, 11, 4, 377-391. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. and Everett, G. (2008) The prevalence of life planning: evidence from UK graduates, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 29, 3, 325-337. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. and Everett, G. (2008) The impact of higher education on lifelong learning, International Journal of Lifelong Education, 27, 3, 239-254. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. and Everett, G. (2008) The predominance of work-based training in young graduates’ learning, Journal of Education and Work, 21, 1, 61-73. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. (2007) Friends, peers and higher education, British Journal of Sociology of Education 28, 6, 693-707. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. (2007) Transitions from education to work in the twenty-first century: introduction, International Journal of Lifelong Education (Special issue: Transitions from education to work) 26, 5.

Brooks, R. (2007) Young people’s extra-curricular activities: critical social engagement – or ‘something for the CV’?, Journal of Social Policy, 36, 3, 417-434. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. (2006) Young graduates and lifelong learning: the impact of institutional stratification, Sociology, 40, 6, 1019-1037. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. (2006) Learning and work in the lives of young adults, International Journal of Lifelong Education (Special issue: Beyond the Learning Society), 25, 3, 271-289. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. (2005) The construction of age and the impact of ‘age-mixing’ within UK further education colleges, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 26, 1, 55-70. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. (2004) ‘My mum would be as pleased as punch if I actually went, but my dad seems a bit more particular about it’: paternal involvement in young people’s higher education choices, British Educational Research Journal, 30, 4, 495-514. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. (2003) Discussing higher education choices: differences and difficulties, Research Papers in Education, 18, 3, 237-258. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. (2003) Young people’s higher education choices: the role of family and friends, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 24, 3, 283-297. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. (2002) Transitional friends? Young people’s strategies to manage and maintain their friendships during a period of repositioning, Journal of Youth Studies, 5, 4, 449-467. (Open access version is available here.)

Brooks, R. (2002) Edinburgh, Exeter, East London – or employment? A review of research on young people’s higher education choices, Educational Research, 44, 2, 217-227.

Brooks, R. (1997) Political literacy or a ‘sentimental education’? – programmes for coexistence in Israeli schools, European Journal of Intercultural Education (now called Intercultural Education), 8, 1, 61-73.